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Have You ever ate in the restaurant and thought „hell there is definitely something missing in this dish“. Not the salt or pepper, but just a pinch of Your most favorite spice, exotic flavor or bit of burning chili. Did You ever eat on holiday, on the road or abroad and thought „oh if i just could have some chives or chipotle on hand – this food would be just perfect“. These mobile spice kits will become Your inspiration for discovering new flavors and tastes.

I sewed the very first mobile spice kit for my husband as a Christmas gift. It was very personalized, closest friends have chosen one spice which associates with my husband best for them, and from those spices I completed my first kit, which my man uses till this day.

Now sewing mobile spice kits is a hobby of mine and my mother. Together we search for different materials, buttons in vintage boutiques, so each mobile spice kit would become live, exclusive and wit its own story. Each spice kit is accurately sewed by hand.

There are 7 high quality spices in each mobile spice kit. We use spices which we use at home by ourselves.

Such a delicate and unique spice kit will be the best present for your friends or family who love good food or appreciates handmade.