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+ Ieteikt restorānu

Kvietimas dalyvauti kongrese „7 European Foodservice Summit“

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Šių metų rugsėjo 18-20 dienomis Ciūriche (Šveicarijoje) vyks Europos restoranų rinkos lyderių kongresas „7th European Foodservice Summit“, organizuojamas žurnalo „Food Service Europe & Middle East“ leidėjų (leidinio „Restoranų verslas“ partnerių), GDI instituto (Šveicarija) ir Centrinės Floridos universiteto restoranų vadybos centro (JAV).

Pranešimus skaitys aukščiausios kvalifikacijos pranešėjai iš Europos ir JAV, keli restoranų tinklai pristatys savo koncepcijas.

Kongrese laukiama 200-250 dalyvių – tai didžiausių maitinimo tinklų operatoriai, jų konsultantai, tiekėjai. 60 proc. vietų jau užimta.
Apie kongreso lygį galima spręsti iš dalyvavimo mokesčio: 2200 CHF (Šveicarijos frankų) restoranų atstovams ir 3200 CHF – konsultantams ir tiekėjams.

Daugiau informacijos – žemiau esančiame angliškame tekste, prisegtame buklete (Summit_Programm_7th1.pdf) ir internete ( www.efss.ch ).

Meniu.lt informacija

Dear Ladies and Sirs,

Don't miss the hottest think tank and congress for the restaurant industry: trends, concepts, success stories and strategic imperatives for the future.

We are pleased to announce our 7th top-level gathering with speakers (presentations/panel discussion) from all over Europe and the USA . Over the 2 days, more than a dozen international experts and global players will present their views on the future of our industry. Great chances for networking. Capacities are limited.

18 September - Pre-conference:
Restaurant Study Tour, Strategic Workshop and Get-together with wine tasting.

19 + 20 September - Conference:
Future Strategies for

Building Culture Developing People Managing Growth

Brands, Visions, Concepts, Changes

Places are limited: about 200-250 guests are expected to participate, to keep an intimate atmosphere. 2 thirds operators, 1 third consultants and suppliers (maximum 2 people per company). Do not hesitate to register right away, so you can be one of them!

Registration fee per person:
CHF 2,200 (Restaurant Companies / Contract Caterers)
CHF 3,200 (Suppliers / Consultants)

For further information, please have a look at the attached programme brochure or have a look at: www.efss.ch  

On our webpage you will also find photo galleries with more than 500 pictures showing the last years Summit (speakers, participants, evening events).

If you have any questions please send an E-mail to: 
Marisa.Lucchi@gdi.ch (Switzerland) or  Ute.Antoni@dfv.de (Germany).

We're looking forward to seeing you soon at the Summit. 
The three organizers send you their best regards 

·        Gretel Weiss, editor-in-chief and publisher
FoodService Europe & Middle East (Deutscher Fachverlag) - Frankfurt/Germany

·        Dr. David Bosshart, CEO 
Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute (GDI) - Zurich/Switzerland

·       Dr. Christopher C. Muller - professor
at the University of Central Florida (Center for Multi-Unit-Restaurant Management) - Orlando/USA